Ridgley, Robert S. & Greenfield, Paul J. The Birds of Ecuador. Volume II. A Field Guide. Christopher Helm, London.
2001. Hft, 740 s, 15x23 cm, vikt 1,5 kg.
Hela 1600 arter staplas här på varandra över 96 planscher med sammanfattande text på motstående sida.
Detaljerade beskrivningar med utbredningskarta i resten av boken. Inledning till varje artgrupp.
[THE bird guide of Ecuador]
Ridgley, Robert S. & Greenfield, Paul J. The Birds of Ecuador. Volume I. Status, distribution and taxonomy. Christopher Helm, London.
Aug. 2001. Hft, 848 s, 16x24 cm.
Vol. 1. Detaljerad och mycket omfattande genomgång av varje fågelart i området,
med uppgifter om bl. a. utbredning, status och taxonomi, inkl raser.
[Not needed on the trip, good as a reference at home. Anyone going to purchase it ? Also possible to buy set of vol 1 & 2 for lower price]
Restall et.al. Birds of Northern South America, Vol. 1 & 2 (Non-passerines & Passerines)
Hft, tot. 1184 s, 23x16.
Totalt 6400 bilder av olika dräkter på över 2308 arter. Utbr.kartor. Täcker Ecuador, Colombia,
Venezuela, Aruba, Curacao, Bonaire, Trinidad, Tobago, Guayana, Surinam & Fr.Guayana.
[Not needed on the trip]
Fjeldså, J. & Krabbe, N. Birds of the High Andes
1990. Inb, 876 s + kartor, 25x19 cm.
For each species there are sections on description, habitat selection, and range. Detailed distribution maps supplement the text,
and several hundred line drawings showing differential details, postures, nests.
[This guide is getting old and outdated, not needed on the trip]
Wheatley, Nigel. Where to Watch Birds in South America. Christopher Helm, London.
1994. 431 pages, b/w illus, maps.
A general site guide, covering continental South America, the Galapagos Islands,
the Falkland Islands, Netherland Antilles, Trinidad & Tobago,
and Antarctic seatrips. Over 200 sites are detailed, with general travel information,
accommodation, transport, safety & health.
[Bengt-Eric has it. Pdf-files available on request to Erling]
Krabbe, Niels & Nilsson, Jonas. Birds of Ecuador / Aves de Ecuador: DVD-ROM.
Bird Songs International BV. 2003.
This DVD-ROM contains 6015 recordings of 1184 species, and 824 photos of 469 species, all occurring in Ecuador. 69 hours material.
Among those recorded are all 17 Tinamous, 25 Woodcreepers, 92 Antbirds, 30 out of 30 Ground Antbirds,
all 14 Tapaculos, 177 Flycatchers, and many more.
Multiple windows can be opened, enabling quick comparison of similar sounds of different species. Compose your own sound sequences with Playlists, which can be stored on and retrieved from your hard disk. A playlist's contents can be converted to a set of MP3 files (all recording data embedded), which can then be copied to an MP3 player.
This DVD-ROM is compatible with Windows 98, ME, 2000, and XP.
[Joakim should buy this, then we split the cost]
Rymer, Malcolm. Birding Ecuador - Hummers, Howlers and Hissing Hoatzin
Running Time 120 Mins. 2004. DVD or VHS.
Hundreds of birds from the sub-tropical forests of the North West Choco endemic region, the high Andes amd the Amazon jungle.
BirdLife International. Directorio reas Importantes para la Conservación de las Aves en los Andes Tropicales: Sitios prioritarios para la conservación de la biodiversidad.
(This is presentation of IBA:s, Important Bird Areas, in Andean part of Ecuador. In Spanish).
Download or read all pages HERE.
Eisenberg, John F. & Redford, Kent H. Mammals of the Neotropics: Volume 3
The Central Neotropics: Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil
609 pages, 16 col plates, 140 line drawings, 68 tabs, 582 maps.
University of Chicago Press
Lonely Planet (ed. 7, 2006)
Insight Guides (ed. 3, 2007)
Footprints (ed. 6, 2007)
Rough Guide (Jan 2007) [Erling has this]
Check more titles on Ecuador at Natural History Book Service, write "Ecuador" in the quick search field (194 hits 2007-10-28).
Created 28 Oct 2007, Erling Jirle, webmaster.
Updated 1 Nov 2007.