The Beerclub Vörtstyrkan


Probably the best beer club in the world

Ratings of 4375 different beers from 117 countries.

(Vörtstyrkan is Swedish and means ”the wort force”)

May the wort force be with you!

Newer database: Total list database 2003–2023 (countrywise, updated 13 Jan 2024)

Older database: 1983–2002 (countrywise, 6 sections, all 1916 different beers tasted 1983-2002)

Some important facts 1983-2023:

Top list 1982–2023 (updated 13 Jan 2024)

Pukebeer 1983–2023 (60 disgusting beers, rated lower than 1,72. Updated 13 Jan 2024)

The 160 strongest beers 1982–2023 (stronger than 11 % abv. Say no MORE! Updated 13 Jan 2024)

All countries Erling’s country list; which countries we have covered, and not (updated 1 Jan 2022).

The longest beer names 1982–2023 (Updated 13 Jan 2024)

    Number of tastings included:  789 (up to 2 Dec 2023)

    Number of tasted beers: 5472

    Number of different beers: 4390

    Represented countries: 117

    Amount of tasted beer:  approximately 4378 liters

    Amount of pure alcohol: approximately 263 liters (100% abv)

    Amount of dip consumed: approximately 395 liters

List of all Swedish breweries at


two mugs animation

Country rating 2003–2021 (mean value/country, updated 1 Jan 2022)

The Beerclub Vörtstyrkan turns 40 years old! Celebration trip to Belgium, October 2022:

Illustrated travel diary from the trip (in Swedish - pdf 6 MB) 
Pictures below: Outside the Westmalle monastery and at the Westmalle café 

The Vörtstyrkan web site was created in October 1995 - in the Internet dawn. Updated 2024-01-13.

Webmaster and permanent secretary:

List of Swedish breweries which Vörtstyrkan hasn’t tried yet:

Not tried yet